čtvrtek 9. prosince 2010

Operace Overlord, D-Day 6 June 1944, Omaha Beach

US 1st "Big Red One" Infantry Division se vylodí v 6:30 a zaútočí na Fox Beach (Exit E3) a Easy Red Beach (Exit E1). Pláž brání německá 716 Infantry Division & 352 Infrantry Division. V Den-D je americkým cílem obsadit vesnici Colleville.

Pravidla: Rapid Fire
Scénář: Bloody Omaha z campaign guide Rapid Fire D-Day
Měřítko: 12 mm (1:144)
Délka hry: 20 kol (12,5 hod)

"Na pláži tedˇ není nikdo kromě mrtvých a umírajících - tak se k sakru pohněte dále " 
Plukovník George Taylor, 6. pěší pluk, 1. pěší divize 

 Zleva: sektor Fox Beach (Exit E3) a Easy Red Beach (Exit E1) 

Vlevo Exit E3, vpravo Exit E1, oba výstupy z pláží
zaminované s protitankovými a protipěchotními překážkami.

Vesnice Colleville, vpravo Exit E3, vlevo Exit 1

Zleva: WN 61 - PAK 43 (88mm) v kasematě, MMG (tobruk), 37 mm Renault tank věž (tobruk)
WN 60 - 50 mm minomet (tobruk), automatický plamenomet, panzefaust, french 75 mm polní dělo (open placement)

Zleva: WN 62 - MMG (OP bunkr), 50 mm minoment (tobruk),  french 75 mm polní dělo (v kasematě), MMG (tobruk)

Zleva: pohled na kopec s WN 62 a WN 64 mezi Exit E3 a Exit E1

Vesnice Colleville se probouzí k životu. Další den v okupované Francii.
Pro mnohé to dnes bude Nejdelší Den. 

Zleva: WN 64 - MMG (tobruk), Russian 76,2 mm pěší dělo (open placement), 
50 mm minomet (tobruk)

Zleva: WN 65 - 50 mm minomet (tobruk), MMG (tobruk), 
50 mm pevnostní AT dělo ( PAK 38 v kasematě), panzerfaust

LCT 5, 1. útočná vlna, 741th Tank Battalion

Pláž Omaha, sektory Fox Beach (Exit 3) a Easy Beach (Exit 1), čas: T minus 6:30

1. útočná vlna (2x LCT, 741st Tank Regiment) a 2. útočná vlna 
(4x LCVP 3rd&2nd Battalion / 16th Infantry Regiment) se právě vylodily na plážích.
Jedno z LCVP najelo v sektoru Easy Beach na minu (ztráty na pěchotě).
Němci otevírají palbu: 88 mm PAK 43 na první výstřel vážne poškodí jeden z Shermanů na Fox Beach.

Zleva: Zdeněk, Drake, Ravenb, Benny
Tluče bubeníček, tluče na buben a svoláva kluky...
...zahrajem si na vojáky, máme pušky a bodáky... :)

Pěchota 2. útočné vlny a tanky z 1. útočné vlny se prodírají překážkami na pláži.

3 a 4 útočná vlna se úspěšně vylodila, drobné ztráty na pěchotě po najetí LCM na minu. 
Shermany 741st Tank Battalionu už v 4 kole vyřazují přesným zásahem do kasematy 88 mm PAK 43!

Jeden z klíčových bodů hry, hořící kasemata s 88 mm PAK 43 po výbuchu munice.
Tanky na Easy Beach překonávají drátěné překážky a konečně opouštějí pláž. 
Jeden z Shermanů inkasuje zásah z PAK 38 (na Exit E1), je zničen.

Benny ukazuje kam má Drake přivolat dělostřeleckou podporu 105 mm baterie. Všechny ty krátery 
na plážích jsou po neúspěšné německé střelbě. Poskytují soft cover pěchotě a pěším podpůrným zbraním.
6. útočná vlna (poslední) se přibližuje k pláži.

Nejdelší Den. Peklo na pláži Omaha, v sektoru Easy Red Beach (Exit E1 pravo) pěchota utrpí cca 40% ztráty ještě než opustí pláž a dostane se do krytů domů u pláže, tanky z 741th Tank Battalionu mají 75% ztráty 
(2 Shermany z 1. útočné vlny). Postup na Fox Beach na Exit E3 (vlevo) bez problémů. Ztráty na pěchotě minimální (pěchota se plazí a přebíhá z kráteru do kráteru, všechny tanky bojeschopné (1 těžce požkozen).
Tanky na Exit E3 z 741th Tank Battalionu zničí 75 mm ex. french polní kanón i s osádkou v open placement.

Pohled na úspěšný postup na Fox Beach (Exist E3) 
120 mm tězké minomety z 81st chemical mortar battalion pokládá krycí kouř před OP bunkr.
Tanky z 741st Tank Battalion právě dorazily k překážkám, pěchota 2nd Battalionu / 16th Infantry Regimentu pomalu ale jistě (plížením), za minimálních ztrát, konečně opouští pláž. Vražedná palba z německých MMG neustává. Za nimi postupují Special Engineers Task Force.

Tanky z 741st Tank Battalionu úspěšně ničí bunkr s 37 mm AT gun v Renault věži na WN61 a 75 mm ex. french field gun v kasematě na WN 62. Shermany s radlicí čistí protitankové překážky.

Pokračování reportu zítra.

pondělí 4. října 2010

OHWC club game in 26.-28. november 2010, historical scenario Omaha Beach

OHWC will be play in 26.-28. november 2010 historical scenario Omaha Beach.
The US 1st "Big Red One" Infantry Division assault on Exit E1 (Easy Red Beach) & Exit E3 (Fox Beach). Defenders are German 716 Infantry Division & 352 Infantry Division. Game will be play in our club room (Ostrava-Zábřeh) with WW2 rules Rapid Fire in 12 mm scale.

úterý 28. září 2010

Pola Chwaly 2010, report from Rapid Fire game, Ukraine 1944

Hi all,

I would like present our game which our club played on Polish wargaming show Pola Chwaly 2010

Eastern Front, June 1944, Russia, Western Ukraine, near to Lvov.
During soviet strategic offensive Operation Bagration german army is on retreat, but still is heavy fighting with Soviet forces.

Rules: Rapid Fire
Scale: 1:72 (20 mm)
Models from Rapier Collections (Dragon: Sdkfz 252/2, Sdkfz 251/7, Altaya T-34/76, Italeri ZIS-3, Italeri German Special Forces figures, Sdkz 251/10 repainted from amercom) and from Benny collections (Hasegawa: Jeep, US truck, Italeri M-3 Scout, Italeri Russian Infantry figures,

German Forces

Wehrmacht German Panzer Grenadier Battalion (Regular)
HQ: CO 4 figures, Panzerschrecke, Sdkfz 251/10 (37mm AT gun)
1st Company: 8 figures, Panzerfaust, Sdkfz 251/7 (LMG)
2nd Company: 8 figures, Panzerfaust
Heavy Company: 9 figures, MMG, 75mm (Pak 40) AT gun, 81mm mortar, Sdkfz 252/2
Total: 30 figures

Regiment Support
Heavy Anti-Tank Battalion (Regular)/1st Company: 2x Elefant (88mm)

Russian Forces

Soviet Guard Motorised Battalion (Elite)
HQ: CO + 4 figures, AT rifle, Jeep
SMG Company: 6 figures (tank riders)
SMG Company: 6 figures (tank riders)
Heavy Company: 9 figures, MMG Maxim, truck
Mortar Company: 5 figures 82mm mortar, 50mm mortar, truck
Anti-Tank Company: 3 figures, 75mm (ZIS 3) AT gun, M3 Scout

Scout SMG Company: 6 figures, 2x Jeep

Total: 40 figures

Regiment Support
Soviet Tank Battalion (Regular)
HQ: T-34/76 (43)
Tank Company: 2x T-34/76 (43)
Tank Company: 2x T-34/76 (43)

Look on battlefield. River can be crossed on full length. Russian in battle formation. German defenders on position.

German Deployment: second company (8 figures, Panzerfaust) is in stone house. Part HQ (CO 2 figures) is in longest wood building. Pak-40 with crews, Panzerschrecke team and MMG with crews are dug-in. In the wood are: 1st Company, mounted on Sdkfz 251/7 and PanzerJager Heavy Company. Both formation are near to edge wood.

Russian attack

Fight in progress

One jeep from Russian Scout Company is destroyed by MMG.

Russian T-34/76 with tank riders is trying cross over river.

Unfortunately for russian player, german player was very lucky, one shot one destroyed T-34/76.

Seems that russian attack will be not successfully.

One T-34/76 is destroyed by Sdkfz 251/10 (hollow charge rocket fire), russian tank company must take morale test, they must retreat to cover. Truck with russian heavy company is destroyed too.

Russian attack is stopped. German losses are: 2 figures, Russian losses are: one SMG Company Tank Riders (6 figures), 1 crew AT gun, 4x T-34/76, and 1 figure from heavy company. In this time russian player is thinking that he can not be winner and game is over.

AT company with ZIS-3 and crews, HQ company with CO + AT rifle

People on Pola Chwaly. First polish player from another polish wargaming club.

Daddy? Pak-40 is dug-in, seems that all will be fine.

Our club, BENNY show polish player what can, EMIL see to near table.

Daddy? When game will be start? Of course game is in progress, russian forces is moving to enemy.

Daddy see! Russian horde is move to our position.

Another two polish players. Thomas has smile, because what hit this result is destroyed T-34.

War consultation.

pondělí 28. června 2010

Karvina 2010, report from Rapid Fire game, Normandy 1944

Lingevres, battalion level scenario
US attack a German-held village in Normandy, 14th June 1944

I would like present our last game. We played basic scenario, but instead British we used US forces.
I improved our terrains.

GER commanders: EMIL, BENNY
US commanders: OZDRAKE, RAPIER

German Forces: all troops are elite, all tanks are elite

Panzer Grenadier Regt 902
(commander Oberstleutnant Welcsh)

2nd Battaion HQ: CO + 4 figures, Panzerschrecke, Sdkz 250/10 (37mm AT gun)
Company: 8 figures, Panzerfaust, Sdkfz 251/7 half-track
Company: 8 figures, Panzerfaust
Company: 8 figures, Panzerfaust
Heavy Company: 9 figures, MMG, 75mm (Pak 40) AT gun, 81mm mortar, Sdkfz 251/2 half-track

2nd Company, Panzer Regiment 130
Panter (75mm) (Lt Steindamm)
Panter (75mm)

US Forces: all troops are elite, all tanks are elite

American Armored Combat Command - June 1944

Armoured Infantry Battalion
HQ: CO + 6 figures, 60mm mortar, Bazooka, M3 half-track
Rifle Company: 10 figures, Bazooka, M3 half-track
Rifle Company: 10 figures, Bazooka, M3 half-track
Rifle Company: 10 figures, Bazooka, M3 half-track
Heavy Company 12 figures, 50cal HMG, 30cal MMG, Bazooka, M3 half-track, 81mm mortar, M4 half-track, 57mm AT gun, M3 half-track

Tank Destroyer Company: M-10 tank destroyer (76mm)

Medium Tank Company: 2x Sherman tank (75mm), 1x Sherman tank (76mm)

Armored Field Artillery Battalion
2x M-7 SP gun (105mm), Sherman OP tank

German deployment. German HQ (include Sdkfz 250/10 and Panzerschrecke team) occupied farm Berolles.
Village Lingevres defend only MMG team (located behind the wall in Hotel De La Plaze and 75mm AT gun PAK-40 which is dug-in near to crossroad at village (behind hedgerow).
1st Panzer Grenadier Company (armoured, include Sdkfz 251/7) is dug-in behind hedgerow.
2nd Panzer Grenadier Company (foot) is dug-in in wood.
3rd Panzer Grenadier Company (foot) is dug-in behind hedgerow near to road to village.
Sdkfz 251/2 81mm medium mortar is behind barracks in the village.

US Forces attacking German Panzer Grenadier company in the wood. Company is destroyed. Crews panzerfaust hit one M-3 Halftrack Rifle Company (light damage).

1st Panzer Grenadier Company, dug-in behind hedgerow

Crew AT gun is ready to fight.

3rd Panzer Grenadier Company (foot) is dug-in behind hedgerow near to road to village.

Us battalion attacking german position in the farm. German HQ must leave position, Panzerschrecke team is destroyed. One of M-3 Halftrack is destroyed from Sdkfz 250/10. Bazooka hit Sdfkz 250/10 (light damage). US rifle companies, heavy company, HQ company occupied farm. German HQ and Sdfkz 250/10 under US fire (some lost on the crews). German HQ retreat to village.

Final US attack to village. US Tanks are attacking german positions. US tanks attack is supporting by US IDF fire from M-7 and US mortars and all Rifle Companies and Heavy companies located in the farm. Sherman OP find german MMG and call IDF fire to him.

US tank company is attacking german Panters. From reverse fire near Panter hit one of 75mm Sherman (light damage). Second Panter fire from Hotel and missed! Sherman 76mm hit near Panter and destroyed him to first shoot!!

US forces in the Farm Berolles. In the front is US HQ company (60 mm light mortar).

M-7 SP gun (105)mm

Mortar US half-track M-4 (81mm medium mortar)

US rifles companies behind farm's walls.

German MMG is destroyed. Under IDF fire.

1st Panzer Grenadier Company (armoured, include Sdkfz 251/7) was dug-in behind hedgerow. Now, on the way to new position (occupied Hotel in the village).

US tank attack.

Second Panter platoon hit one of 75mm Sherman and destroyed him to first shoot. In this time is destroyed German HQ (include commander), crews AT gun (include gun), one Panzer Grenadier Company (all) and German player must test morale. Him test was unsuccessfully (1 on the D6). German Panzer Grenadier Battalion must leave from battlefield!!

Last Panter platoon want to attack US, but wait M-10 tank destroyer attack him and destroyed last Panters tanks!

US on the way to centre of village. German are rounting.

Battle of village is over. US are winners.

Yes, US victory, because German commanders deployed units far from self. Village did defend only AT gun with MMG and farm did defend only HQ. This can not stop all US forces which were concentrate to farm (on the close front). I do not know why, but German commander was not send Panters and armoured Panzer Grenadier Company to counter attack to farm. 3rd Grenadier Company can mount to tanks and go to attack!

Best Regards
Pavel "Rapier" Ondruch